The Christmas Quiz by Hidden Scotland (updated)

The Christmas Quiz by Hidden Scotland

The Christmas Quiz

Hi đź‘‹

Merry Christmas! We hope that you are having a wonderful day however you are choosing to spend it.

We thought that we would interrupt your scrolling session to challenge you to a quiz! If you are with family and friends get them involved too and see how many you can get right!

All answers are revealed at the bottom of the email.

Have fun! See you in the New Year!

PS Sorry for the double email, there were a few issues with the last email.

The Hidden Scotland Christmas Quiz

Round 1 - Festive Round

  1. When “First Footing”, what gift does the visitor traditionally bring?'

  2. Which country gifts Scotland a Christmas Tree every year?

  3. Who wrote Auld Lang Syne?

  4. Which Scottish town hosts the Christmas Day Ba’ Game?

  5. What is the Loony Dook on New Year’s Day?

Round 2 - National Symbols/Icons Round

  1. What is Scotland’s National Animal?

  2. When is St Andrews Day?

  3. Where was the first recorded Scotch whisky made?

  4. What is Scotland’s National Flower?

  5. How is Billy Connolly more affectionately known?

Round 3 - Scottish History Round

  1. What did 4 Glasgow Students steal on Christmas Day 1950?

  2. How many Scottish Kings are buried in Dunfermline?

  3. Which battle was William Wallace’s greatest victory?

  4. In which century did Orkney & Shetland become part of Scotland?

  5. Where did Bonnie Prince Charlie first set foot in Scotland?

Round 4 - Scottish Geography Round

  1. What is Scotland’s second highest mountain?

  2. What is Scotland’s most southerly point?

  3. Which region of Scotland has the most castles per sq mile?

  4. Which area of Scotland is the only one with Dual World Heritage Status?

  5. Which of these is further north, Harris or Lewis?

Find the answers below. Huge thanks to Graeme Johncock for this Christmas Quiz.


Round 1

  1. Coal

  2. Norway

  3. Robert Burns

  4. Kirkwall

  5. A jump in the sea

Round 2

  1. Unicorn

  2. 30th November

  3. Lindores Abbey

  4. Thistle

  5. The Big Yin

Round 3

  1. Stone of Scone/Destiny

  2. Seven

  3. Battle of Stirling Bridge

  4. 15th Century

  5. Eriskay

Round 4

  1. Ben Macdui

  2. Mull of Galloway

  3. Aberdeenshire

  4. St Kilda

  5. Lewis

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